heads girls

Yes, I have been playing with dolls. Love that face-editing stuff. This art game on rhizome made me go looking for paper dolls online. There's lots. duh. I must be regressing. Before I went doll hunting I was browsing for cats and found this site, which may not have the best cat pictures ever, but does have the best fancy flashing fonts and winking bears (click on MiniMiezen).

- sally mckay 12-07-2005 8:53 am

Sie machen über meinen blinkenden Schriftkegeln lustig!

Und meine Katzen entsprechen nicht der Norm?

- L.M. 12-07-2005 10:08 am

They make over mean merry for flashing writing cones!

And my cats do not correspond to the standard?

- sally mckay 12-07-2005 7:20 pm

Wow! I made up that crazy language totally in my head late last night, and you already managed to translate it!

- L.M. 12-07-2005 8:50 pm

Sie sind Normenlos wie Ich.
- Tino (guest) 12-09-2005 1:08 am

They are standard lot like I.

I can't decide if babel fish is a good thing or a bad thing.

- sally mckay 12-09-2005 1:54 am

No puedo decidir si el pescado de Babel es una buena cosa o una mala cosa.

Mmmm ... pescado de Babel.
- mark 12-09-2005 4:20 am

Mark! Si c'est vrai puis, Je ne puis pas décider si le poisson de Babel est une bonne chose ou une mauvaise chose.

- L.M. 12-09-2005 7:57 am

Un pescado no es ningun Babel, vamos.
- Tino (guest) 12-11-2005 6:33 pm

miniMiezen is my favourite word of the week. Hey, Sally. Do you have any cool
stickers of yours that you wanna post?
- Tino (guest) 12-11-2005 6:35 pm

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