"I'd also like to say a word about speculation, a term that has acquired a pejorative connotation among some scientists. Describing someone's idea as "mere speculation" is often considered insulting. This is unfortunate. As the English biologist Peter Medawar has noted, "An imaginative conception of what might be true is the starting point of all great discoveries in science." Ironically, this is sometimes true even when the speculation turns out to be wrong. Listen to Charles Darwin: "False facts are highly injurious to the progress of science for they often endure long but false hypotheses do little harm, as everyone takes a salutary pleasure in proving their falseness; and when this is done, one path toward error is closed and the road to truth is often at the same time opened." - From: V.S. Ramachandran, M.D.,PH.D., and Sandra Blakeslee, "Preface," in Phantoms in the Brain, New York: Harper Collins, 1999. pg.xv-xvi

- sally mckay 5-31-2006 11:59 pm

From the same book, pg.2:

" A nurse developed a large blind spot in her field of vision, which is troubling enough. But to her dismay, she often sees cartoon characters cavorting within the blind spot itself. When she looks at me [neurologist V.S. Ramachandran] seated across from her, she sees Bugs Bunny in my lap, or Elmer Fudd, or the Road Runner. Or sometimes she sees cartoon versions of real people she's always known."

- sally mckay 6-01-2006 12:00 am

This is sooo asking for a sarcastic comment. I'll leave it up to the experts. Buff McAbbs, Reverend Earl Chunx, Joester, where are you!
- mnobody (guest) 6-02-2006 1:54 am

you mean the bit about the characters cavorting in his "lap"?
- sally mckay 6-02-2006 3:21 am

it's "fud", not "fudd", nobody

- Buff McAbbs (guest) 6-02-2006 5:45 am

That's funny, i had a blind spot on my FUD once.
- mnobody (guest) 6-02-2006 5:52 am

lol can ANYONE please salvage this thread?
- Buff McAbs (guest) 6-02-2006 6:11 am

Gee wizzy, I was quite enthusiastic over the possibility of seeing cartoon characters everywhere (and apparently they'd be humping my friends, bonus)
- L.M. 6-02-2006 6:42 am

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