
- L.M. 5-19-2007 7:49 am

Very nice gif. Is this Inglis Falls, L.M?
- KW (guest) 5-19-2007 4:58 pm

Thanks, yes it is. Forgot my camera so I used the video function on Ed's still camera. (so it already looked slightly antiqued before I started screwing with it)
- L.M. 5-19-2007 9:04 pm

(SM via joester)
- joester 5-19-2007 9:59 pm

unrelated crowing: we're going to the Maker fair today...doggie monorail!
- joester 5-19-2007 10:06 pm

Fuckety fuck fuck fuck! I am jealous.
- L.M. 5-19-2007 10:12 pm

oh my golly, my fun at the fair was mitigated only by my sense of guilt that all my pals were missing all the fun at the fair. Pictures later.
(SM via joester)
- joester 5-20-2007 9:54 pm

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