Got Ten Questions About Art?

simpleposie invites you to submit a ten (10) question questionnaire on the subject of anything art related.
No question is too silly or too smart. Your questions can be tightly thematic or stream of consciousness.

Its not for money - only love... and the possibility of a great online art conversation.
If you would like to see your questionnaire on simpleposie this summer, the deadline is June 15, 2007.

Send your questionnaire to J@simpleposie

*All submissions subject to editorial approval.
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- L.M. 6-01-2007 8:15 pm

"No question is too silly or too smart."..........
*All submissions subject to editorial approval.

- r.E.c. (guest) 6-02-2007 1:41 am

For example, if one questionnaire were to ask many of the same questions as another - I may not print it . I may suggest the author come up with smarter or sillier or just plain alternate alternatives. The invitation is open and offered in the spirit of generating discussions about art. No one is obliged to submit a questionnaire any more than I'm obliged to post it. It is only an invitation. You're invited! No need to rsvp. The questionnnaires have already started coming in. It would be great to hear from you r.E.c. - I wonder how smart or silly your Q's would be...

- J@simpleposie (guest) 6-02-2007 2:07 am

=-O that last line reads more like a challenge than an invitation but what the hell, we just lost our free cable so........count me in!!

- r.E.C. (guest) 6-02-2007 4:04 am

- J@simpleposie (guest) 6-02-2007 4:12 am

This is a terrific idea. I wish I'd thought of it...I was about to post an advice offer...which I've done a couple fo times on my blog. I will try to think of an art question...hmm...I'll post something and a link to this about this in a day or so okay on my blog...
- Candy Minx (guest) 6-04-2007 8:43 pm

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