


We just got back from the woods. I watched that little moth tease that Shelob-spider for quite awhile. As you can see from the photo with the flash (bottom) they were on opposite sides of the screen. Poor spider. Silly moth. It kept flying right into the spider's jaws, except the screen saved it every time. Do spiders exercise mind control (like cats)? Do moths have a deathwish?

- sally mckay 6-05-2007 7:02 pm

Nature Fights! Nature Fights!

Did you smash the mosquito right after it gorged on your blood, or did you tell it that the cheque was in the mail after you took its picture. (because I suspect that you would attempt to be fair even in a nature fight)
- L.M. 6-05-2007 7:19 pm

Perhaps moths find spiders glamorous?
- L.M. 6-05-2007 7:20 pm

smashed it. Here's evidence:
smashed bug

It's true I am kind of a nature wuss, but I don't have qualms about smashing mosquitos or cutting down little baby trees that are blocking our trails. Okay, I have a few qualms about the latter but I do it anyway. Except I leave the baby oaks because they're a tad rare in these woods.

"Perhaps moths find spiders glamorous?" ...that has a ring of truth.
- sally mckay 6-05-2007 7:49 pm

Maybe the spider just wasn't cut out to be a mother.
- rob (guest) 6-05-2007 9:19 pm

Moths are so fucking needy.
- L.M. 6-05-2007 10:40 pm

"Maybe the spider just wasn't cut out to be a mother." hah. funny. I must say I was pretty surprised that a predator that big would waste so much time sitting on the wrong side of the screen. Duh. But then later a moth came by on the same side of the screen as the spider (the outside), attracted by the porch light. So then I thought maybe that spider was just killing time and testing its pouncing skills on the inside moth, all the while really waiting for an outside moth to come along. But it didn't get the outside moth either. Too slow. Bad moth-er.
- sally mckay 6-05-2007 11:16 pm

I wanted to express congratulatory wonderment regarding your father's poetry prize but it seems you closed that thread, and in any case LM already used up the single best expression of wonderment in her first comment, leaving everyone else second rate choices of wonderment expression. But I would like to say it here. Wow. And I will now enjoy looking for his work in stores everywhere.
- jimlouis 6-09-2007 4:43 pm

Thanks Jim. I got skittish about that thread and closed it. My dad doesn't have an internet presence of his own and the last thing I want is to provide a surrogate space for his fans. But I really appreciate all your congratulations from the Tree!
- sally mckay 6-09-2007 6:51 pm

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