James Hampton

Throne of the Third Heaven of the Nations' Millennium General Assembly. 1950-64
salvaged materials, gold and silver foil

Throne Stand salvaged materials, lightbulbs, foil


(Thanks to kino t, who pointed me in this direction.)

- L.M. 6-30-2007 1:20 am

This makes me want to cover everything I own in tinfoil.
- L.M. 6-30-2007 1:29 am

tinfoil cat hat

- sally mckay 6-30-2007 1:44 am

Cats love it when you do that to them.
- L.M. 6-30-2007 1:47 am

I just posted that cause I wanted an excuse to posts links to Joel Veitch again. I know everyone's seen these a billion times, but it's nice to revisit. And I find myself with a tinge of nostalgia for these pre-youtube Flash videos to music.

Immigrant Song
Gay Bar
Independent Woman

- sally mckay 6-30-2007 2:01 am

there is a booth where you can make art from tinfoil in downtown edmontons art festival this year. you see these kids wander about in tin foil helmets. its kind of awesome
- anonymous (guest) 6-30-2007 3:41 am

- bill 6-30-2007 5:13 pm

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