
Kristiina Lahde Wheel of Fortune 2006 Ethafoam and hot glue

From the website of the brilliant Hart House Installation Collective (hic)

- L.M. 7-10-2007 10:36 am

That's very pretty actually...what an awesome use for the material and the effect the material makes huh? I thought it was a tire at first.
- Candy Minx (guest) 7-10-2007 6:31 pm

p.s. I think it's a crime that ficus tree is anywhere near the sculpture though...oh my god, move the plant away!
- Candy Minx (guest) 7-10-2007 6:32 pm

I agree the Gothic treads were cool but it was the foam that made it all insanely wonderful. (it's one of those pieces where as an artist I marvel over how another artist ended up with that)
- L.M. 7-10-2007 6:54 pm

Pimp my ride!
- J@simpleposie (guest) 7-10-2007 8:00 pm

I saw that show- that tire was one of my favorites.
- rob (guest) 7-12-2007 11:57 pm

I always assumed they were machined (somehow with some machine thing they use to make gothic tire treads) but I was talking to Kristiina last night at the KWAG opening and she told me it was all hand cut. She made a long pattern based on the existing decoration at Hart house and started carving.
- L.M. 7-13-2007 1:11 am

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