
- L.M. 7-27-2007 6:37 am

hey, do you and bat boy have a fight?
- nanmac (guest) 7-27-2007 7:45 am

That's not my damaged hand. It's Rechico's from several years ago when she was showing it off at an opening.

But we were in a doggy rumble yesterday. I got dragged onto the dirt in the middle of a scary eight dog death battle.
- L.M. 7-27-2007 9:12 am

I got 5 bucks on Bat Boy.
- rob (guest) 7-27-2007 5:49 pm

You invested wisely.

- L.M. 7-27-2007 8:00 pm

one word : choker chain.
- bill 7-27-2007 9:39 pm

A choker chain doesn't work on a dog this powerful. I tried to get a pinch chain (spikes!) but the pet store boy fitted him with a head leash. It works great, but the drunken dog brawl took place in the off-leash park area. Once it was back on, I was able to prevent some more violence when a 150 lb Great Dane tried to hump him. (apparently Bat-boy doesn't enjoy anonymous sex in parks)

This shit's more fun than T.V.
- L.M. 7-27-2007 9:54 pm

right. if choker chain doesnt work then spikes are the next step up. not all dogs can socialize properly in the dog run immediately. they got to get used to the crew. keeping the leash on in the run makes it easier to pull him off another dog, if your using the spike colar.
- bill 7-28-2007 12:01 am

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