
- L.M. 8-02-2007 5:20 am

Bill Viola!
- matthew williamson (guest) 8-03-2007 7:20 pm

I could do worse.
- L.M. 8-03-2007 7:56 pm

Hey L.M! This last series of gifs is super interesting. Feels like you are working some things out about video. I've also translated a lot of video into gifs - it's sort of a backwards thing to do, like anti-animation. But somehow the jerky motion with frames missing is more optically intriguing.
- sally mckay 8-03-2007 8:05 pm

Thanks, video & film always seemed ass-backwards to me. I'm too entranced with each frame. And those long sequences of images to show movement? No thanks, boring. To me, the jerkey motions are just getting to all the necessary points. (or treating video like it's a percussion instrument)
- L.M. 8-03-2007 8:13 pm

Tamborines. Woot Woot Booya.
- L.M. 8-03-2007 8:14 pm

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