
- L.M. 8-16-2007 9:19 pm

excuse me? do you work here?
- myfanwy Ashmore (guest) 8-16-2007 10:03 pm

Ha Ha. Some day I'll post the actual video, had some extra footage that I felt like giffing.

And its always fun to post or exhibit this piece without warning Sandra. (if we waste the next seven comments talking about my dog, she'll even be more pissed off)
- L.M. 8-16-2007 10:07 pm

OK, let's get going. Is he house-trained?
- M.Jean 8-16-2007 11:45 pm

Yes he is, and very well behaved inside my home! Getting better on the leash all the time, except for his overwhelming need to massacre squirrels. (mommy needs a fur coat)
- L.M. 8-16-2007 11:52 pm

There's a biker kid who works in my neighbourhood Pet Value who taste tests all the doggie treats. Hey, he's the perfect person to ask (and trust) what's best for Bat-Boy since he can actually provide a pretty reliable product recommendation.
- Belle Barth (guest) 8-17-2007 12:02 am

Does he get a discount on Greenies dental chews? Better yet, does the local chapter of the Hells' Angels in your neighbourhood control the black market Greenies.

Bat-boy loves Greenies.
- L.M. 8-17-2007 3:53 am

You bet! The Hell's Angels operate a nifty little gift shop here on the Lakeshore. I'm sure Psycho Dave, and Dirtbag will give you a big discount on Greenies. But, first - before entering this charming enterprise you must cross over the 'Come Back With a Warrant' doormat.
- Belle Barth (guest) 8-17-2007 4:24 am

too much. that's distressing footage.
- nanmac (guest) 8-17-2007 9:04 am

Don't be distressed nanmac! Neither Sandra or I would want you to feel that way.

When I was shooting the video a few years back, in between our hysterical laughter at the possibility of death, I kept on thinking, holy shit she has gorgeous eyes.
- L.M. 8-17-2007 10:52 am

Getting back to dog treats...there's a Pet Value near me that has a big drum of pig ears (yes, actual ears from actual pigs) for a dollar each. It's advertised with a picture of two dogs in pirate costumes, and the slogan "yarrr! It's a buck-an-ear". That's one of may favorite things ever.

- Rob (guest) 8-17-2007 11:32 pm

Of course I found out via someone always. I think this means I get to call you a 'ho now LM.
- SR 8-21-2007 8:01 pm

Think of it as a back-to-school-special. Those new students will be so intrigued.

They'll think: "Whoa, she's fierce."
- L.M. 8-22-2007 3:59 am

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