The Road North/The Road South

Carlo Cesta, Michael Davey, John Dickson, Rebecca Diederichs, Brian Hobbs,
Lorna Mills, Lisa Neighbour, Chantal Rousseau, Lyla Rye, Kate Wilson and Johannes Zits.


In celebration of the Tree Museum's 10th Anniversary, Persona Volare was invited to mount an exhibition at Harbourfront's York Quay Centre. Opening Friday, September 14, 6-9 pm running until Sunday, November 4, 2007.

left to right: Kate Wilson, Carlo Cesta, Rebecca Diederichs

...then into the forest with GRANITE CLUB at the Tree Museum near Gravenhurst (Map) opening on Sunday September 16, 2007 noon to 5pm.

left to right: Michael Davey, Chantal Rousseau, Lorna Mills

- L.M. 9-14-2007 8:11 am

Really nice show at York Quay - the vitrines look great. Persona Volare is such a funny collective - very diverse artists and media, but somehow it always seems to gel - and the gelling just gets better with each new exhibition. Can't wait to see the work in the woods tomorrow.

- sally mckay 9-15-2007 7:02 pm

Great Show!! congrats to everyone.

Best art opening ever — conversation held in soft slanting sun of cool-but-not-cold-yet September afternoon, while sitting on soft grasses drinking beer and eating snacks, pleasantly tired from afternoon of tramping over granite hills covered in moss and lichen and interesting gnarled tree stumps and umpteen groovy art projects:

A: All art openings should be outside from now one. This is such a great dynamic.

B: Yeah. This is the best of everything. I love nature but sometimes I get a little bored. Here there is art to look at. And I hate art openings because they're so claustrophobic, but here you can wander wherever you like.

C: There's tons of people but there's also plenty of elbow room.

B: And it's much easier to actually see the art!

D: Yeah! Normally at art openings I'm always promising myself I'll come back another time so I can actually look at the work.

A: And don't forget the butter tarts.

All*: mmm....butter tarts.

(*except me, who for some reason has always been indifferent to butter tarts, but who was highly appreciative of the tiny spiral sandwiches without crusts)

- sally mckay 9-17-2007 4:25 am

Congrats to everyone involved. It was such a great show and the location is superb! Totally fun experience.
- nanmac (guest) 9-17-2007 5:02 pm

Thank you all for coming. (and I whupped Chantal and Rebecca's asses at Precambrian Shield badminton.)
- L.M. 9-17-2007 7:59 pm

Thank you ALL for coming out to the woods! We had a great time, followed by an excellent butter tart high.
L.M.: Serious re-match. My parking lot. Your rackets. My birdie. C.L. Be there.
- rebecca d (guest) 9-17-2007 11:28 pm

Thank you all for coming up - it made the day fabulous. I would also like to publicly dispell the BLATENT LIES that Lorna keeps spreading that she beat me at badminton. I have witnesses...
- Chantal R (guest) 9-18-2007 1:07 am

Belle Barth - East York Badminton Champion (date withheld) was detained at a biker bar in Port Dalhousie and therefore (sadly and regretfully) could not grace the Tree Museum Persona Fest and demolish L.M. in a game at badminton.


Did anyone save me a butter tart?
- Belle Barth (guest) 9-18-2007 1:55 am