There is an email going around, instigated by Richard Fung, that I want to re-post here (for the full version, with more info, see
Dear friends and colleagues:

You are being forwarded this email as a person who cares about Toronto.

Did you know the city's budget crisis could mean the end to theatres, galleries, festivals, concerts and all funding to writers, artists and musicians? It could also mean the end to libraries, community centres and health programs? Everything that makes Toronto one of the world's most livable cities.

Your action now can prevent this.

The city has never been closer to the brink. In just 30 seconds you can help avert cuts to the fabric of our city:

1. CREATE a new email, addressed to and cc'd to:

2. TYPE the following subject line : "Yes to land transfer tax. Please copy to Mayor and City Councillors (arts)" (the clerk will forward it on to the Mayor and all the councillors: adding the arts in brackets means that arts friendly emails get tracked and tabulated)

3.PASTE this paragraph into the body of the email (or make up your own):
Dear Mayor Miller and City Councillors:

My Toronto includes:
the arts
community centres
recreation programs
public health services
and the TTC
To protect my city, I support the land transfer tax as an immediate solution to Toronto's financial crisis.

Your name
Postal code
4. DON'T FORGET your name, address, and postal code at bottom

5. SEND!

Please do this today. The city vote will likely be September 20!

10,000+ emails need to reach City Council this week. Each one will be read.

Please forward this call out widely.

- sally mckay 9-15-2007 7:00 pm

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