FASTWĂśRMS - DONKY @ NINJA @ WITCH opens at AGYU Wednesday, Sept. 26, 6 -9 pm.
Don't forget to bring your torches, pitchforks, ignorance and fear, townspeople!

Red of Tooth and Kaw 2001 digital video still

And don't forget to loudly ask: "Haven't I seen some of this installation at Zsa Zsa? Why isn't that mentioned in the PR from York? Is that what they meant by Queen Street West Storefront Exhibitions? Isn't it easier and faster just to write Zsa Zsa? Now why would the AGYU not do that? Is everyone mad at each other now?"

[update: Info about Paul Petro and Zsa Zsa is on the pdf file, just not on the mailed print version]
[shit fuck damn, I wanted to see some sissy fights]
- L.M. 9-25-2007 11:09 pm

Now here's a question: You've said "sissy fights" before, and I assumed it was a typo (or maybe a piece of allusive wit), aiming for "hissy fits." Is this a prairie variant?
- Mjean (guest) 9-26-2007 1:46 am

Not a typo, "sissy fight" means not terribly dangerous and great fun to watch.

And nothing is as dangerous as a fastwurms Slap Down

- L.M. 9-26-2007 1:57 am

recommended viewing: Sissy Boy Slap Party
- sally mckay 9-26-2007 2:08 am

The Director's Cut, no less.
- L.M. 9-26-2007 3:36 am

yay!! that youtube is still good fer sumthin', eh?
- sally mckay 9-26-2007 3:46 am

The internets is also good for Japanese flash-based slap-fight games.
- Rob (guest) 9-26-2007 4:22 am



- sally mckay 9-26-2007 4:51 am

Hey, thanks for explaining that!

The Fastwurms picture is beautiful. Some serious woods-walking.
- Mjean (guest) 9-27-2007 8:52 pm

their exhibition is beautiful too!
- sally mckay 9-27-2007 11:39 pm

It was really brightly lit like a factory outlet store.

Pantiland 2004 polytarp, 27 1/4" x 39 1/4"

- L.M. 9-27-2007 11:50 pm

It was darker in the back:

wurms axes

wurms cannon

- sally mckay 9-28-2007 12:13 am

"It was really brightly lit like a factory outlet store."

"It was darker in the back"

People check out the comment section for the lightning swift banter & detailed critical observations about contemporary exhibitions and ya know, we never disappoint.
- L.M. 9-28-2007 7:37 am

hey L.M., I think you've got an open html font size tag in the caption for the factory outlet, one on the front page too!
- sally mckay 9-28-2007 2:15 pm

you gotta love pegboard.
- bill 9-28-2007 6:50 pm

FW scare me.
- tino (guest) 9-28-2007 8:52 pm

yeah the pegboard was very groovy. And yeah, they are scary! fun scary, but still...
- sally mckay 9-28-2007 11:29 pm

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