an installation by Allyson Mitchell on until January 7, 2008
at the Textile Museum of Canada 55 Centre Ave. Toronto.



Hungry Purse: the vagina dentata in late capitalism (2006-07) details, found textiles and handicrafts

- L.M. 11-13-2007 1:23 am

- nanmac (guest) 11-13-2007 3:34 am

And the best, most hilarious title ever.
- L.M. 11-13-2007 4:11 am

I love it just as much as I am creeped out. Which is a lot on both counts.
- sally mckay 11-13-2007 4:16 pm

i didn't read the title when i originally posted. i am also creeped out.
- nanmac (guest) 11-13-2007 4:46 pm

I saw this piece when Allyson installed it at the Gladstone. Allyson was inside the room, and chatted with visitors about the experience. For her it was a kind of art inversion. In entering the room, you passed, unknowlingly, into the womb. It was nice and cozy in there, despite the big psychedelic clit presiding over us all, and Allyson is very friendly and charming, and she had chips that she shared. Several of us lazed about for a little while. Then, in order to leave the artwork and go back into the world, you had to be born. You didn't get a choice, unless you stayed in the room forever. It was brilliantly manipulative, and Allyson is well aware of both the creepiness and the pleasantness of the work. She is one super smart cookie.
- sally mckay 11-13-2007 4:57 pm

Yeah, it was very comfy at the Gladstone, once you'd come to terms with where you were. I had a lot of trouble thinking about the chip crumbs getting into the cracks and folds of the fabric. Trying to reconcile, I guess, the implicit wetness of the womb with the gritty dryness of the actual experience.
- M.Jean 11-13-2007 7:19 pm

I've never been creeped out by this work in the way you describe. When I first saw it at TAAFI, aside from her incredible wit, I was amazed at how sophisticated Allyson's construction is. I mean that formally I think she's every bit as complex and fascinating as an artist like Nestor Kruger (who we would all agree produces a much different type of object). R.M. and I were discussing this not too long ago and he claims that people don't really recognise that aspect of her work.
- L.M. 11-13-2007 7:42 pm

I don't think being creeped out precludes the kind of formal appreciation that you are talking about, L.M. I think that the work is extremely sophisticated, on several levels.
- anonymous (guest) 11-14-2007 12:33 am

You're right, they don't cancel each other out. I should clarify that I've never been creeped out because I've been too busy laughing at the title Hungry Purse whenever I've seen it.

hungry purse
- L.M. 11-14-2007 12:58 am

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