cool! (I hope B-boy wasn't involved.)
No, he was too busy chasing snowballs this afternoon.
We just got in from our evening walk. I stood in the freezing rain peevishly kicking slush in his face, while he went insane with joy leaping, galloping and barking. (My winter coat is covered in paw prints.)
My cockateil loved this image. He's a real sporting type.
- L.M. 12-03-2007 5:13 am
cool! (I hope B-boy wasn't involved.)
- sally mckay 12-03-2007 6:16 am
No, he was too busy chasing snowballs this afternoon.
We just got in from our evening walk. I stood in the freezing rain peevishly kicking slush in his face, while he went insane with joy leaping, galloping and barking. (My winter coat is covered in paw prints.)
- L.M. 12-03-2007 6:56 am
My cockateil loved this image. He's a real sporting type.
- Morse (guest) 12-03-2007 8:35 pm