tell me why

- sally mckay 2-06-2009 2:50 pm

You greedy barbarian!
- L.M. 2-06-2009 3:10 pm

give me weird erosion, butterflies, birds' nests, earth movers, roses, elephants, planets and dinosaurs. And give them to me now!
- sally mckay 2-06-2009 3:21 pm

I've seen baby pigeons. They are fuzzy yellow. They were on a balcony I could see from my office window. First they were eggs in a messy pile of twigs. then immobile yellow fuzzy blobs, then gone. One day I went to work and the apartment was being renovated. Dunno who had to do what to the baby birds.
- galenagalaxian 2-07-2009 1:31 am

A friend of mine left his window open in the summer and a pigeon made a nest by his computer. Once it was discovered, it didn't last.
- sally mckay 2-07-2009 3:39 pm

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