
Sholem Krishtalka writes about something or other that he didn't like.

- L.M. 10-12-2010 6:32 am

also singer, chef, designer and dad.
- bill 10-12-2010 1:40 pm

''A lot of people have problems with Julian, because they feel that he's a braggart or this or that. To me he's just big opera. He's like Francis Ford Coppola. They're big opera, they wear capes and they're big and they're generous.'' Dennis Hopper

pg 4 of this:
- J@simpleposie (guest) 10-12-2010 9:04 pm

If Julian Schnabel is big opera, what does that make Dennis Hopper?
- sally mckay 10-12-2010 9:38 pm

- J@simpleposie (guest) 10-13-2010 4:01 pm

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