
We were going through the toy box the other day and I re-discovered this lovely lovely organizer. The red button is for wireless. If you push it, a spring is released and a plastic projectile shoots out of the top. On the back of the organizer there's a little plastic flap that covers a tiny pad of sticky notes. What you do is write a little message on a note, and fold it into the grooves on the plastic projectile. Then cram the projectile into the organizer and wait until you are in range of the person you want to communicate with. up the wireless! It doesn't use wires. Be careful not to aim it at animals or people.

- sally mckay 1-26-2011 2:33 pm

The first ten words of your blurb are pure shiny solid gold!
- J@simpleposie (guest) 1-26-2011 3:38 pm


I also found my tiny wooden pig with only three legs. When I was a child I made him a splint with masking tape, but now he's on his own.
- sally mckay 1-26-2011 3:59 pm

Would I be allowed to aim at a wall or ceiling in order to ricochet the message towards my intended recipient's EYE?
- L.M. 1-26-2011 5:55 pm

I think you should aim for the ear canal. That way the wireless message can just go right directly into their brain.
- sally mckay 1-26-2011 5:58 pm

That thing is so brilliant, and it seems like such a long time ago that the idea of beaming your data via IR seemed so futuristic.
What the toy doesn't capture is the "mating dance" where two people with slightly different models would try to get their IR ports aligned, just like two lizards trying to get their cloacas lined up just right. (and no, the metaphor isn't mine- it was widely discussed at the time)
- rob (guest) 1-26-2011 7:06 pm

Maybe Nintendo could invent an activity for the Wii involving cloaca alignment.
- M.Jean 1-26-2011 8:26 pm

Speaking of cloaca, last night another brontosaurus broke into my place and pooped on the floor.
- L.M. 1-26-2011 8:38 pm

damn. That brontosaurus wouldn't be covered in shiny black fur with big brown seal-pup eyes, would it?
- sally mckay 1-27-2011 3:45 am

L.M., don't tell me your back on the Oxycontin!
- mnobody (guest) 1-29-2011 5:36 pm

If I had been I would have said "Dog Shit! What fun!"
- L.M. 1-29-2011 6:28 pm

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