Guest Post: Leiflet drawing


This is my drawing of Draw Me a Picture (2007) by Steven Yazzie, currently showing in the group exhibit Sakahan: International Indigenous Art at the National Gallery, Ottawa.

From the dashboard-mounted easel in his art car, the artist drew the Monument Valley as he careened through the winding hills. Among the brilliant works being shown at Sakahan, this piece jumped out for its immersive approach to re-figuring landscape and relationships with place. Sakahan is a must see show, on until September 2, 2013.


- L.M. 7-11-2013 5:59 am

whoo! meta-level drawing in a dune buggy.
- sally mckay 7-12-2013 9:20 pm

I like how monument valley turns into abstract art
- sally mckay 7-12-2013 9:21 pm

cool! very Mars Rover
- mn0b0dy (guest) 7-15-2013 5:56 pm

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