These are terrific. Are you planning to show them as a separate body of work or in conjunction with your multiple-image pieces?
my question....
Thanks, not sure what to do with them, I've been making them specifically for instagram because I had so many cut images on my hard drive. Some of them have been used for past collage work but it is interesting to isolate them and think about colour relationships.
One problem with exhibiting them irl is the square format, without expensive square tv's they might just be better suited for the web.
Yeah, the colour combos are great. Interestingly, although I am a big fan of eyeball melting colour and am partially colour deficient (red, green), my favourites are the more subdued pieces.
I think the images are pretty powerful when they're isolated like this, but I never considered the problems/restrictions displaying them in an installation....
- L.M. 12-09-2018 10:37 pm
These are terrific. Are you planning to show them as a separate body of work or in conjunction with your multiple-image pieces?
- anonymous (guest) 12-14-2018 9:10 am
my question....
- sc (guest) 12-14-2018 9:11 am
Thanks, not sure what to do with them, I've been making them specifically for instagram because I had so many cut images on my hard drive. Some of them have been used for past collage work but it is interesting to isolate them and think about colour relationships. One problem with exhibiting them irl is the square format, without expensive square tv's they might just be better suited for the web.
- L.M. 12-14-2018 9:32 am
Yeah, the colour combos are great. Interestingly, although I am a big fan of eyeball melting colour and am partially colour deficient (red, green), my favourites are the more subdued pieces.
I think the images are pretty powerful when they're isolated like this, but I never considered the problems/restrictions displaying them in an installation....
- sc (guest) 12-14-2018 1:59 pm