GG_sm Lorna Mills and Sally McKay

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Lorna Mills: Artworks / Persona Volare / contact

Sally McKay: GIFS / cv and contact

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Guest Top Ten
Do you have your own 2003 top ten art list to post? email it to me at and I'll post it here. Or click on the comment link below and post it yourself.

Terrible Ten Art Stars Virtual Names
by Andrew James Paterson
  1. Vita Iconic
  2. Yoke No
  3. Damn Hirstute
  4. Guide Millinery
  5. Julian Schnozzle
  6. Pipilotti Wrist
  7. Van Goth
  8. Pieta Mondrian
  9. Jackson Police
  10. Baronet Newsman

- sally mckay 12-28-2003 9:42 am [link] [19 comments]

Wow - we got mentioned in the National Post! (more detail/discussion soon). Welcome, new people. The art/not art discussion that Catherine Osborne mentioned is on Tom Moody's blog here. While you are looking around, check out the other blogs at digitalmediatree. It's a really dynamic group and there's lots of fun, smart writing.
- sally mckay 12-27-2003 10:53 pm [link] [2 comments]