GG_sm Lorna Mills and Sally McKay

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Sally McKay: GIFS / cv and contact

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Message to email subscribers: thank you for signing up! (I hope your inbox is holding out). I have a request; if you want to respond to an update, please log on to the site and use the comments button. Or you can email your post to me at If you simply reply to your email update it creates more work for the webmaster, and he is a sweet guy who already does too much to make this whole thing run smoooothly. Thanks in advance! - SM

- sally mckay 2-06-2004 6:49 pm [link] [add a comment]


circa. 2003

- sally mckay 2-06-2004 8:35 am [link] [11 comments]

Hey what gives? Here's the current outgoing message at the Ydessa Hendeles Art Foundation:
We have suspended the foundation's exhibition program and are currently generating books. There is nothing on exhibit at the foundation.
If you know the skinny, please leave a message in the comments below!

- sally mckay 2-06-2004 5:43 am [link] [2 comments]