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- sally mckay 5-23-2004 4:34 am [link] [add a comment]

If you are in Toronto next week, you might want to join in on some of this fun stuff organised by ARC for Bikeweek.

1. Moonlight Ride: Thursday May 27, 8:00 pm
Enjoy an almost all-downhill, off-road bicycle path through the ravines of Toronto. End up at a watering hole near Cabbagetown. Fun and easy ride. Meet at Warden Subway Station.

2. You Are A Hero! Good Fortune Friday: Friday May 28, 8:00-10:00 am
On your morning ride, keep a look-out at intersections throughout the city. ARC spreads good fortune by handing out cycling related fortune cookies to cyclists at various locations, proclaiming "You're a hero! Thanks for riding your bike!"

pmp 3. ARC's 9th Annual Parking Meter Party: Wednesday June 2nd, 5:30-7:30 pm
Join in this popular event where cyclists will transform downtown parking facilities into an open-air party room. Participants bring snacks, music, and furniture. After putting a few coins in the meter, voila! it's party-time! Wear your party duds. 761 Queen Street West.

4. ARC's 2nd Annual Report Card
"Bicycling in Toronto 2003-04" is to be publicly released during Bike Week. This is ARC's second report card on bicycling conditions and the City's efforts to promote cycling. ARC grades the local government on its' work in areas including street safety, deaths and injury, bicycle routes and leadership. The idea behind this report card is to inspire the city to improve their cycling activities, and to provide a historic record of the conditions cyclists face on a daily basis. The grades are also intended to provoke cyclists and government into thinking about what makes a good cycling environment.

- sally mckay 5-22-2004 7:27 pm [link] [add a comment]

bike banner
photo by Darren Stehr of Toronto Cranks

There are great photos posted online from last Wednesday's sad and lovely bike memorial (see previous post). Tino's are here, and Toronto Cranks' are here.

- sally mckay 5-22-2004 6:30 pm [link] [5 refs] [3 comments]