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back on july 12th

- sally mckay 7-05-2004 12:16 am [link] [4 comments]

grubs in art tree

art tree on fire

As I rode through TrinityBellwood's Park on my way to work on Friday, I couldn't help noticing that Susan MacKay's sculpture (featured in an article by Sheila Heti in issue #1 of Spacing*) was on fire. Smoke was billowing out of the multi-coloured tree stump, and so was water, as the fire guys had rammed a spewing hose up inside the art. By the time I returned with my camera the fire was out, leaving a hacked-up base and a window into a world of insect misery. Injured grubs the diameter of my thumb writhed and wriggled in agony while gigantic orange beetles (not the dreaded Asian Longhorn Beetle, as the the Parks and Rec. dudes were quick to ascertain) staggered around on the raw, exposed surface of the rotten wood.

*Issue #2 of Spacing is out now and it looks fabulous. Will make a better post when I've read it carefully. For now let me say the design is way better than last time, and the cover is GR-8. I am loving the slogan:

it took us millions of years to learn how to walk and only 100 to forget

- sally mckay 7-04-2004 8:11 pm [link] [add a comment]