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pink pantherThis photograph is one of the few art works (aside from artists' books, of which I have many) that I've ever purchased. It is by a young photographer from Barrie, ON, named Ryan Foerster. I purchased it in February at Clint Roenisch gallery in Toronto. It was part of a group show called "Little Stabs at Happiness." I think the piece is untitled, and I don't know the date. My friends either don't remark on it, or they tell me they "don't get it." I like it for several reasons: 1) I still find testosterone-induced mania infectious (even after Jackass), 2) I am interested in depictions of monsters, 3) The pink panther is a cool art icon, employed by Jeff Koons in 1988. koons panther

- sally mckay 9-27-2004 5:22 pm [link] [14 comments]