Lorna Mills and Sally McKay
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In an earlier post I mentioned that I spent the weekend in an art/science workshop on non-linear physics. I will write a bit about emergent patterns and such as soon as I get my head around what to say. For now, though, some pretty pictures (no science here, and no big claims for art neither) --- this is my gif (and some stills, above) of Zeina Khan's spinning rod of salt and sand.
Ontario is in danger of passing a mandatory helmet law for cyclists. This sucks. Helmet legislation decreases bicycle use, thereby cause big time health and safety problems. Besides that, it's parochial and insulting and sends a strong message that the government doesn't like bikes. Cyclists need better street design, side-guards on trucks, reduction in speed, bike lanes, and a political environment that welcomes the bicycle as a beneficial and progressive transportation mode. If you truly want to create a culture of safety, foster a culture of cyclists--- people who get excercise, don't pollute, and, compared to cars, hardly ever kill or injure anybody else.
From the National Post:
"At its core, I think this bill is really about creating a culture of safety in this province," [John] Milloy told a news conference.From The Hammer:
"If we can create a culture where you wouldn't think of going bicycling or skateboarding or in-line skating without wearing a helmet, I think we would have achieved success."
"We have to keep the people of Ontario safe. This is what we have to do to ensure compliance and institute a culture of safety in our province," said an unrepentant Irving Halitosis, Minister for Screwing You Over , the provincial ministry responsible for the bill's enforcement. "I mean, you can't have people running around and eating dinner without helmets on. What if a fish stick jumped up off your plate and whacked you in the forehead? It happened to me, and it's not pretty. I was off work for three months."People to contact:
Jeff Leal, M.P.P., jleal.mpp.co@liberal.ola.orgmore info at ARC
Khalil Ramal, M.P.P., kramal.mpp@liberal.ola.org
Ted Arnott, M.P.P., ted_arnott@ontla.ola.org
Ted Chudleigh, M.P.P., ted_chudleigh@ontla.ola.org
Kim Craitor, M.P.P., kcraitor.mpp@liberal.ola.org
Peter Fonseca, M.P.P., pfonseca.mpp@liberal.ola.org
Rosario Marchese, M.P.P., rmarchese@ndp.on.ca
Hon. Dalton McGuinty, Premier, dmcguinty.mpp.co@liberal.ola.org
Ted McMeekin, M.P.P., tmcmeekin.mpp@liberal.ola.org
John Milloy, M.P.P., jmilloy.mpp@liberal.ola.org
Michael Prue, M.P.P., mprue-qp@ndp.on.ca
Kathleen Wynne, M.P.P., kwynne.mpp@liberal.ola.org
Ann Stokes, Clerk, anne_stokes@ontla.ola.org
ARC (Advocacy for Respect for Cyclists), arc@respect.to
Velo Ontario, info@VeloOntario.ca