Lorna Mills and Sally McKay
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Here's what I am working on right now...
Experiment In Progress: Neutrinos They Are Very Small
Art Gallery of Sudbury
March 5, 10:00 to 5:00
Rebecca Diederichs
Gordon Hicks
Sally McKay
Curated by: Corinna Ghaznavi
Curator and Artists are present from 12:30 to 3:30 for demonstrations and discussion
3 artists and a curator visited the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory. Taking the idea of neutrinos as a starting point, they began to consider the conceptual and practical approaches of art and science to construct worlds and make the imagined tangible.
The artists are available throughout the exhibition to discuss their resulting experiments and works in progress.
March 5 is a precursor to the resulting exhibition scheduled for next fall at the AGS.
“Neutrinos they are very small
They have no charge and have no mass
And do not interact at all.”
Excerpt from "Neutrinos They Are Very Small"
by John Updike
Excerpt from Wired:
[Quadriplegic Matthew] Nagle turned the TV on and off and switched channels (trapped in his hospital room, he's become a daytime-TV addict). Then he opened and read the messages in his dummy email program. "Now I'm at the point where I can bring the cursor just about anywhere," he said. "I can make it hover off to the side, not doing anything. When I first realized I could control it I said, 'Holy shit! I like this.'"
What are you thinking about when you move the cursor? I asked.
"For a while I was thinking about moving the mouse with my hand," Nagle replied. "Now, I just imagine moving the cursor from place to place." In other words, Nagle's brain has assimilated the system. The cursor is as much a part of his self as his arms and legs were.
At a conference in 2002, Anthony Tether, the director of Darpa, envisioned the military outcome of BCI research. "Imagine 25 years from now where old guys like me put on a pair of glasses or a helmet and open our eyes," Tether said. "Somewhere there will be a robot that will open its eyes, and we will be able to see what the robot sees. We will be able to remotely look down on a cave and think to ourselves, 'Let's go down there and kick some butt.' And the robots will respond, controlled by our thoughts. Imagine a warrior with the intellect of a human and the immortality of a machine."