Lorna Mills and Sally McKay
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Lately I've been working with images of light shifts. Sarah Peebles has been making music for sunsets (I posted about her real-time installation with Rob Cruickshank last fall). My images were not consciously made with Sarah Peebles' project in mind, and are more about clunky tinkering than subtle effect, but there is certainly some connection nonetheless. I do NOT recommend listening to Sarah's music while staring at my blatant gifs & jpegs, but instead follow her recommendation and watch a real sunset (it will have nicer gradients and way more than 256 colours).
From Sarah:
Music for Incandescent Events; Sunset
Online audio for your listening-viewing pleasure at Sonus.ca.
by Sarah Peebles
Watch the sunset or sunrise and listen while online. Two audio mp3 files (short and long) of Music for Incandescent Events are at Sonus.ca:
This is straight-up audio to apply to your very own sunset, sunrise, aurora borealis, lava flow or other incandescent experience. Watch your own local thang while listening online or on your mp3 player.