GG_sm Lorna Mills and Sally McKay

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Come to the uTOpia book launch on Sunday! (venue: Gladstone, publisher: Coach House) The book is a groovy big anthology all about Toronto. I wrote about Fly gallery, because I find them inspiring. There are gonna be panels and activities at the launch! I'm on a panel at 3:00 with Bert Archer and Sheila Heti, moderated by Misha Glouberman. Our topic is Private Space. I'm also going to be hosting an activity booth where you get to consign your least favourite things about Toronto to the buring pit of hell. I've constructed an extremely classy and operational burning pit, but you'll have to come to the event to get a look at it. In the meantime, here are a couple of dYStopic burning pit images that I found with Google Images. All the details about the event and the book are here.
hellguy in hell

- sally mckay 11-16-2005 3:45 am [link] [2 comments]

Regular guest poster L.M. is on a much deserved break. Thank you, L.M.!! (when you come back we wanna hear your thoughts on France)
- sally mckay 11-16-2005 3:07 am [link] [2 comments]