GG_sm Lorna Mills and Sally McKay

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Merry Christmas to all the readers and writers on
Digital Media Tree!

Rumour has it that the war on Christmas has really heated up this year, so I offer to you a more robust (and perhaps just ever so slightly gay) nativity scene as the best defence. (images courtesy of RM Vaughan).


As for those of us in the Canadian Corner, beware of all those creeps bearing gifts. (election time!).


I'm paying attention to the campaigns so that you don't have to, freeing up more time for everyone to visit the Sex Clubs that are popping up everywhere (usually next door to Starbucks) now that the Supreme Court has declared them legal.

(t'was the ruling we were all waiting for, before we went totally crazy this Christmas season. ...stinky couches and carpets aside, the Supreme Court has established that the test for criminal indecency will be based on whether it causes harm, not whether it offends someone's taste)

- L.M. 12-23-2005 6:45 pm [link] [6 comments]

word of the day: telepistemological
- sally mckay 12-23-2005 4:32 am [link] [add a comment]