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"...what is important about science is not its authority, but the existence of a community of people more or less committed to such an ethic. To communicate this we have to present ourselves as people and tell stories. Moreover, we have to make some effort to tell true stories, not just the ones that put us in the best light." - Lee Smolin in conversation with Julian Barbour

- sally mckay 3-19-2006 3:15 am [link] [add a comment]


Holy toy-hack batman! Toronto artist Veronica Verkley created the animated puppet for Rhinocerous Eyes. The film looks like it's going to be great. The website has a page of reviews by neuroscientists! For example Antonio Damasio, Head of Neurology at the University of Iowa, says, “Our mind is made of props — body parts in action, parts of objects, parts of places — all joined in narrative animation. Of course, so are the movies, those creative imitators of the human mind. Rhinoceros Eyes plays with this natural metaphor and blurs the line that divides reality from dream. A most disquieting game."

Verkley's puppets are on display in the window at Pages bookstore until March 31st. Broken dolls, mangled plastic airplanes and many other bits and bobs, conglomerated in a lifesized puppet monster! The creature reminds me of Body Worlds. Can't wait to see the film.

- sally mckay 3-19-2006 2:32 am [link] [1 comment]