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There is Neutrino news (thanks JM) in the Nobel Intent journal at Ars Technica. Posted by Chris Lee. Quote:
A consequence of the known neutrino types having mass is that there must be a fourth type of neutrino, one that has even weaker interactions with ordinary matter and has been dubbed the sterile neutrino."
4 flavours of neutrino! One of them "sterile." And it might have mass which would mean a lot of matter we couldn't account for before. Plus a lot of other trippy stuff about the early universe. Cosmology hurts my head. There's more here at New Scientist Space dot com. Quote:
[Alexander Kusenko] says the fact that sterile neutrinos could account for such a wide variety of astrophysical puzzles is a "highly non-trivial coincidence" and a "strong indication this may be right".

- sally mckay 3-30-2006 6:28 am [link] [4 comments]