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From Pierre Tristam's Burning Lebanon:

"What sadder fascination to watch and read journalists from al-Jazeera to the Wall Street Journal try to give their interpretation of this latest conflagration, to, quote unquote, try to make sense of it, as if there is anything to be made sense of when senselessness is the preferred and universal fuel. What sense is there, regardless of the legitimate objective of getting those barbaric militants out of the Palestinian camp and out of Lebanon if possible, to attack them with barbarism in turn—to blast off civilians in the refugee camp like so much collateral irrelevance? Once again, those paying the heaviest price are those who have nothing to do with the fight. Who to blame first is silly. The genealogy of responsibility is as long as Abraham’s. No one can be spared, no one should be. But in the immediate vicinity of the mayhem, let’s not be too relative, either: those Datah al-Islam types think nothing of spreading destruction, of using terrorism to their limited advantage—not that the action they’re involved in against the Lebanese army can be termed terrorism (no battle between combatants can be). The consequences of the battle, of course, can be. The Lebanese and Palestinians of Tripoli and Nahr al Bared camp are being terrorized no less than the Lebanese were terrorized by Israel’s invasion last summer. And who are those fanatical Fatah al-Islam types, what are they, if not much more than the latest collection of ideological rags wrapped in perversions of Islam pretending to serve the cause of Palestinian nationalism? They’re minor-league butchers who think a stint of loitering and ganging about Iraq makes them kings in their miserable little camp."
His eloquent outrage attracts some of the most heated and literate responses that I've ever read online. (Check the comment thread for his post.)

- L.M. 5-27-2007 8:25 am [link] [3 comments]

(image from Rugs of War)

Outed as a spy! Say it ain't so Ryszard! (thanks to Anthony Easton for pointing this story out)

Oh well, the proof of his value is in the pudding (that being his magnificent writing). He now joins my rogues' gallery of authorities, full of serial rapists, saints, fascists, communists, liberals, romantics, pedants, spousal abusers, bad parents, ideologues, subversives, dictators, philosophers, oligarchs, autocrats, bank tellers and worse.

- L.M. 5-26-2007 9:01 pm [link] [12 comments]