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Magda Wojtrya made these fish for the Fish Net project at Harbourfront Centre (go see it!). The captions and photos are hers, reposted with permission from her Flickr page.


Magda Wojtrya: Brook trout, about 14" long, made from fabric and card from housewares packaging. All the eyes are made from silver chocolate wrapping for the sclera and bicycle innertube rubber for the pupils.


Magda Wojtrya: Emerald shiners, made from silver lame and plastic food containers.


Magda Wojtrya: Threespine sticklebacks, about 4" long, made from fabric, plastic food containers, and the spines are made from a fish tin.


Magda Wojtrya: Marc is holding male and female American eels in their silvery migration coats. Made from painted silver lame and the long fins are bicycle innertubes.

- sally mckay 5-09-2008 4:17 pm [link] [1 ref] [6 comments]