Lorna Mills and Sally McKay
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Gabrielle Moser has written an interesting post on some issues with community art projects that were brought to mind with Darren O'Donnell & Mammallian Diving Reflex's The Duel in The 'Dale: Parkdale Public School v. Queen West. She indicates that the humour behind using these kids in adult roles might have something sinister behind it.
I'd say that his humour in working/using kids isn't sinister. I know because mine is. I laugh when they fall over. Other than that I don't want to be around them most of the time. That may be why his work exerts a hold on me. I love the controlled anarchy that comes with the illusion of power swapping that he's created.
(Did I just make an argument for that position? I feel tricked.)
Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet - Young man meets Death
c. 1485-90 dry-point
Jacques de Gheyn III - Triton Blowing on a Conch Shell 1615 etching
Afrika Bambaataa & John Lydon - World Destruction
I think tomorrow is the last day to see Sojourner Truth's installation at Katharine Mulherin. I dunno how to distinguish between the gallery's two spaces, but it's the one that's further east. I really really liked the show. The artist's statement described a dream in which animals were sucking up the colours from pieces of plastic and other detritus, and pooping them out as paints. The installation is a kind of joyful immersive mandella with flowers and medals and other bits and bobs all made out of cardboard and paper and sticks and stones painted with glitter with antlers and other animal part artifacts thrown in. Sounds like a kids craft project, and it sort of was, but pulled off with a Fastwurms-esque confidence and great attention to detail and materials. If you are in the neighbourhood, check it out before it closes. I'd love to post a picture but the images at the gallery website are awful and really don't do it justice. Maybe we'll track down the artist and get some good pics up at a later date.