Lorna Mills and Sally McKay
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Do you have a nerdish interest in colour and $30 to spend on a made-in-California-new-media t-shirt? Joester is helping to promote the online conference 080808 and so are we.
As you may know, BCNM and Greg Niemeyer have been running the algorithmically timed 0n0n0n conference series since 01/01/01.
This time round we are stripping everything away from the conference except an online discussion...and the conference T-Shirt.
The conference theme for 080808 is Digital Color: Something from Something or Nothing. This refers to the standard digital format of 24-bit color. Each one of 24 bits (0 or 1) describes how computers should mix light to achieve a specific color. We will focus in on this process with our website, which allows you to change individual bits of the color format to see colors change. When you register (fee $30.00), you can reserve a bit, set the bit to either 0 or 1, and then explain your choice. You can also review other participant's explanations of their choices. This, we hope, will produce a conversation online about color, something and nothingness. It will also determine a palette of four colors which will define the custom-designed and custom sewn conference t-shirt (hence the fee). The conference t-shirt will be shipped to all participants after the conference closes.
Visit: http://studio.berkeley.edu/080808
It would be great to see your comments up there, and you will get a unique T-Shirt from the process.
The conference ends on Friday August 8 at 8 PM.
UPDATE: conference has been extended to 08/23/08
(the competition for who gets to control the shirt colour is heating up)