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sun suckers
Ken Gregory, Sun Suckers (still from video documentation)

Rob Cruickshank has curated an interesting collection of Device Art for the net journal Vague Terrain with artists Brad Borevitz, Jessica Field, Peter Flemming, Erin Gee, Ken Gregory, Darsha Hewitt, iriXx, Nicholas Stedman and Martin Wisniowski. The image above is a video still from documentation of one of the pieces that I liked best. Here's an excerpt from Rob's essay:
Ken Gregory's Sun Suckers exist as individual machines, which absorb the rays of the sun, and convert them to insect-like chirps. However, like insects, they are listening to each other as we are listening to them, and the strength of the work comes from the listener's realization that these devices are not simply individuals, but members of a community.
Cruickshank knows electronic art issues inside and out, and his choices reflect a thoughtful investigation that ranges from dynamics of old/new history&nostalgia tech to the manufacture of embodied emotional relations between humans and machines.

- sally mckay 1-12-2009 12:53 pm [link] [add a comment]