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Rousing moment in a brilliant talk by John Raulston Saul at AGO on Wednesday: "Gerald McMaster and his team have managed to finally put a stake through the heart of this man!" (William Henry Boulton, owner of The Grange) (smattering of audience applause and wide-spread jaw-gaping...I was doing both.)

The lecture is going to be podcast at some point. I'll keep ya posted.

- sally mckay 10-30-2009 3:00 pm [link] [3 comments]

Thank you for your warm welcome Montreal. You are, without a doubt, the best little city in Ontario, if not in the whole Dominion of Canada!

Check out Terence Dick's hilarious description of Adrian Searle's talk at Art Toronto 2009, our wee adorable colonial art fair.

- L.M. 10-29-2009 7:36 pm [link] [add a comment]