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Rob C. put me onto this crazy stuff about "imaginary" colours. As a result of our subsequent conversation he sent me this most excellent gif. It's based on a drawing by René Descartes.

rob's descartes gif

I actually read Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy not that long ago. It was really worth it...especially because I had no idea that the whole thing is awkwardly framed as proof of the existence of God!! Poor guy. It sucked to be into science back then. The first section of the book is a letter to the Dean and Doctors of the sacred Faculty of Theology at Paris asking for endorsement.
I have always thought that two topics — namely God and the soul — are prime examples of subjects where demonstrative proofs ought to be given with the aid of philosophy rather than theology. For us who are believers, it is enough to accept on faith that the human soul does not die with the body, and that God exists; but in the case of unbelievers, it seems that there is no religion, and practically no moral virtue, that they can be persuaded to adopt until these two truths are proved to them by natural reason.
He didn't get the money.

- sally mckay 5-13-2010 3:15 pm [link] [4 comments]