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Rob Cruickshank's Top 11 Internet Cat Videos of 2010.

I was supposed to do some art this year, but I got busy watching cat videos, and the time just ran away on me. For those who actually spent the year doing art, or going to grad school, or going to shows, and generally thinking and stuff, here's a quick catch-up on the significant events of 2010.

#11 Joel Vietch, The Internet is Made of Cats

Not strictly a cat video per se, but it set the tone for the year to come, and we were all humming the tune for days, even whole weeks.

# 10 Ultimate Kitten Snuggle

One of the most significant cat videos of 2010.

#9 Cat vs Printer, the Translation

We'd all seen that video a million times, maybe even in a comic-sans email from Dad, but the voice dubbing made it new again.

#8 Fainting Goat Kittens -original video

Not every cat video made us LOL. Charlie and Spike made us cry. Ok, we laughed a little bit before we heard that they died. Then we spent the rest of the day sorting out our feelings, and watching the odd fainting goat video.

#7 Cat attacks Vicious Gators -Unbelievable.

Would they have intervened if the gator had eaten the cat? Who knows?

#6 Cats Playing Patty Cake, what they were saying...

The quality of voice dubbed cat videos just keeps getting better. It's offensively dumb when people do it with dogs or babies, though.

#5 Epic cat fight (cat's horror) Crows vs Cat vs Cat Street Fight

Inter-species weirdness is always a winner. These kitties are playing for keeps, which makes it a bit disturbing, but that's part of the appeal.

#4 Red Lights, by Holy Fuck.

Toonces, the Cat who Could Drive a Car Meets Bullit. How could it be anything but awesome?

#3 Sneaky Cat is Watching You

An instant classic in traditional internet cat video style.

#2 Kitten Riding Turtle

It's a tortoise, not a turtle, and it's not the original video, but if you don't have Baby Elepahnt Walk as the soundtrack, you're doing it wrong.

#1 Many too small boxes and Maru

Once again, Maru is the most famous cat on the internet. Mark my words, we'll be watching these as part of a big retrospective at MOMA within a decade.

Special honourable mention to Devo, whose live stream of a cat party to launch their latest album Something For Everybody cost the global economy countless person-hours.

- L.M. 12-28-2010 5:28 am [link] [27 refs] [1 comment]