mac's logo

Convenience Store.

(A division of
Alimentation Couche Tard Inc).

- sally mckay 5-13-2008 3:14 am

OMG, how many times have we looked at that logo without realizing it was an owl? Good catch.
- L.M. 5-13-2008 4:05 am

It used to be a cat.
SM via VB via SM
- sally mckay 5-15-2008 1:05 am

When did it change?
LM via LM
- L.M. 5-15-2008 1:20 am

According to Torontoist it was 1999.
- sally mckay 5-15-2008 3:30 am

L.M: How many times have I looked at that and not realized it was an owl? Exactly none.

- rob (guest) 5-16-2008 4:22 pm

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