switch zoo

Switcheroo Zoo: Fur Elise arranged for loon, two owls, cat, wood stork and cuckoo.
(via Metafilter)(via RC).
- sally mckay 9-13-2009 4:44 pm

i absolutely love this blog, but why is there no rss or atom feed to subscribe to? i'd love to be able to automatically keep up with these posts like i do with the other blogs i follow--especially because i forgot about it for awhile as i had broke the routine of visiting this site.

nevertheless, as an owl enthusiast, this is awe-some!
- ryan (guest) 9-25-2009 8:48 am

There is a general subscription at the bottom of the page.
We usually post once a week these days, more or less.
(VB via SM)
- sally mckay 9-26-2009 9:43 pm

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