The editors of OVVLvverk admire of the work of the visionary 19th century German artist E.T.A. Hoffmann, who is best known for the popular seasonal ballet scored by Tchaikovsky, based upon the short story Nussknacker und Mausekönig,
(And also for the fascinating opera by Offenbach based upon his work).

nutcracker owl nutcracker owl 2

One rather interesting interpretation is The Secret of The Nutcracker, a 2007 Canadian Television production by Joe Media. Set in Alberta in 1944, they made some unique casting decisions, such as portraying the character of Drosselmeyer as an Owl. They have provided a short artist video about Otis the Owl, which is a swell look at the work of television Owl actors.

OVVLvverk highly recommends it.

- VB 12-24-2010 1:27 am

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