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owl phone 1owl phone 2

Een zeldzaam prachtexemplaar. From maartenzam's Telefoonfauna set on Flickr.

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owl frogmouth

A Frogmouth and chick. Caprimulgiformes may appear Owl-like to young ornithologists.

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lear owl pussycat

Nonsense verse by Edward Lear.

eagleowl lear

Serious painting by Edward Lear.

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Owl NSK logo

NSK Logo.

Owl Mlakar

The NSK Department of Pure and Applied Philosophy.

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owl BR 1

"Is it real?"

owl BR 2

"Of course not." A film by Ridley Scott.

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bubo owl clash titans

Ray Harryhausen's Bubo from the film 'Clash of the Titans'.

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Blind Owl Hedayat

'The Blind Owl', a novella by S. Hedayat.

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Alan Blind Owl Wilson

Alan "Blind Owl" Wilson.

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blind owl can see again

Blind owl can see again.

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owl great grey

A Strix Nebulosa of Finland.

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