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Yoon Owls

Artwork by JeongMee Yoon.
(via RC)
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Grey owl

Archibald Belaney.

Also known as Grey Owl or Wa-sha-quon-asin.
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Owl Nebulae

Northern and Southern Owls. Nebulæ from Astronomy Picture of the Day.
(Via RC)
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star owl vid

Via The Toronto Star.
That "WTF?!" expression on the little feller's face is priceless.
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MC Paul Barman - 'Owl Pellets'
"Who cares? Me!"
(via RC)

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owl stereo viewerBrian May

The OWL Stereoscopic Viewer, designed by Brian May.
"Brian May is not just a rock star and an astrophysicist, he's also created somewhat owl-shaped stereoscope. Which is completely awesome, as is his book." The book, A Village Lost and Found is highly recommended.
(via RC)
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. The Owl Box on Ustream (Hatching Late March 2010).
"Let's just face it ~ we are owlcoholics and we never knew it ~ what withdraowls we'll hav"
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Bewick owl

Barn Owl engraving by Thomas Bewick from VisWiki.
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owls and taffy

Wise Owl and taffy, from white ninja comics.
owl w taffy 2
Artwork by Scott Bevan
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forn owl bowl

Ceramic by Fornasetti, from I'm Revolting.
(via LM)
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