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SongCard: Raptors One - Owls
Available from THE COMPLEAT NATURALIST Natural History Store.
Curious Owl is curious.
reddit comments.
YouTube original.
(via SM)
Citizen Science Quarterly
Via Boing Boing
Cat and Owl playing.
Via Metafilter
Hitachino Nest Beer.
"Following the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan, the brewery has made the decision to repurpose itself to distill and bottle water for the population surrounding the brewery ... If you see these beers at UG or at any other store, please consider buying them. Not only will you be pleasantly surprised by the beer itself, but you’ll be helping to support a family that is doing so much in their country’s time of need.
(quote from Urban Grape).
(via The Star)
Okami and Japanese Mythology. From Outsider Japan.
"Cherry Tree and Owl under the Moon" by Shoson Ohara.
Via F&R Fine Arts.
Schmincke, finest artists' colours.
Gallery of cussing Owls from I Can Has Cheezburger.
(Bowlderized here by the editors of OVVL for family viewing.)
(via RC; via Ratfish).