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Owl Nebula

Owl Nebula M97.

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Uhu He 219

Uhu He 219.

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Ookpik amputation

Ookpik amputation

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owl crow

Owl vs. Crow.

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owl FBI

DCS - 3000

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owl pooh

Wol by E.H. Shepard from A.A. Milne's popular 'Winnie the Pooh' books.

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Eurasian Eagle Owl

An Eurasian Eagle Owl.

Also: here.

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owl picasso

A drawing by Picasso, a lovable art-fraud of the 20th century.

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Puerto Rican Screech Owl

Puerto Rican Screech-Owl.

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owl lasky 2

Book jacket for a novel by Kathryn Lasky.

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