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Aad Van Hoyten is the keeper of the Owls in the Amsterdam Zoo.
(from a movie by Peter Greenaway).
Donny Osmond and Owls. Via Birdchick.com
Everyone we know who has met Donny Osmond in person says that he really is very nice and friendly.
Artemus and Diana, of the Cacades Raptor Center, Eugene, OR.
Dutch Advertising Graphics via BibliOdyssey.
Swell link for visual designers.
Will Gregory of electronic recording artists Goldfrapp.
Goldfrapp features owls in recent videos.
(via Simon Reynolds' Blissblog).
Olaf Owl by Design Public.
The Kakapo is sometimes called the 'Owl Parrot'.
(This rare endangered species described in Douglas Adams' book 'Last Chance to See' has unique and fascinating mating rituals.
"Chinese Owl" is the name of a popular breed of 'fancy' pigeon, descended from the rock dove. Etymological origin uncertain.
The ordinary popular name for owls of all sorts, especially owls with 'ears', is 猫头鹰 māo-tóu-yīng ('cat-headed hawk'). There is also a dialect term 夜猫子 yè-māozi or 'night cat'. Neither of these terms figures at all in the official names. Instead, the character 鸮 xiāo is used for almost all owls.
Une leçon en français: Hiboux et Chouettes:
Hibou or Chouette?
Hiboux gots ears, but Chouettes ain't gots ears.
(these ears are feather "tufts", presumably used by Hiboux as a recognition device);
(& that's why French ornithology websites in translation will sometimes say: "owls & owls");
(OVVLvverk encourages all to use the phrase: "C'est Chouette!" to describe anything cool & stylish).