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owls in the family farley mowat

A novel by Farley Mowat.

Please note: OVVLvverk does NOT endorse the keeping of Owls as pets (unless you are a professional keeper of Owls in the Amsterdam Zoo). If you find a lost or injured Owl, please follow these guidelines.

i heard the owl call my nameowl music

A novel by Margaret Craven. Music by Paul Gibson.

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barred & horned owl

Do Owls Really Say "Hoot"?
"This one's easy, Mandy."

Mike O'Connor, owner of Bird Watcher's General Store, writes the popular article, Ask the Bird Folks, for The Cape Codder newspaper. Every week Mike tries to answer some of life's most challenging questions. You know, bird questions.

Artwork by
Catherine Clark.
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Let's talk about Owls:
The Owl Pages Community Central is a good place to compare notes about Owl sightings and discuss Owl behavior in detail.
This site includes a massive image bank of Owl photographs.
owl community banner
owl fantasy banner
The Owl Fantasy Forum is a good place to discuss Ga'Hoole and Harry Potter, with glitter images.

Both Discussion Forums are part of
The Owl Pages by Deane P. Lewis & many contributors.

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grandville owl

Jean-Ignace-Isidore GĂ©rard, AKA Grandville.

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owl tatto banner

Everyone likes
Owl Tattoos.
(via DPL, LM, RC)

annie tattoo

Annie Frenzel's 'Robo Owl'.

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lucinda cropped owl lucinda sleeve

Alt-Country: Detail from Lucinda Williams Live @ The Filmore.
Artwork by
Hugh D'Andrade.

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easy listening

Easy Listening: White Owl by Keiko Matsui.

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southern rock opera

Southern Rock: Southern Rock Opera by Drive-By Truckers.

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fastwurms owl

Print by Fastwurms.

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owl magpie 1

owl magpie 2

owl magpie 3

How-to make simple craft Owls from Magpie Time.


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