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flikr fake plastic owls

Fake Plastic Owls Pool on Flickr.

(via RC)
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IBC banner 2

The Internet Bird Collection has many videos on file.

IBC del Hoyo

Founding member Josep del Hoyo has a video of Great Grey Owls.
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'Nicotiana' is a Mixed media on wooden holy water font (with shell vessel) by Femke Hiemstra .

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Cape Vic Rock Owl

Capetown to Vic Falls May 2006

From Justin's Picasa Web Album.

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Owl Foundation banner

The Owl Foundation is rehabilitating Canada's Owls.

Owl Foundation Snowys

Sponsor a resident Owl for $100.00 annually.

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owl postcard

A woodcut by Samuel Jessurun de Mesquita,
A mentor to M.C. Escher.

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capital hill owl 1

Capital Hill.

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owl yinka rev sleep of reason

Detail from advert in ArtForum for Yinka Shonibare MBE;

'El sueño de la razón produce monstruos' by Francisco de Goya.

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Klostrman downtown owl bookchuck kosterman 2

A novel by Chuck Klosterman.

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owls in the family farley mowat

A novel by Farley Mowat.

Please note: OVVLvverk does NOT endorse the keeping of Owls as pets (unless you are a professional keeper of Owls in the Amsterdam Zoo). If you find a lost or injured Owl, please follow these guidelines.

i heard the owl call my nameowl music

A novel by Margaret Craven. Music by Paul Gibson.

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